For anyone going on a journey in Germany, these travel words will be absolutely essential. Use these flashcards to brush up on your language skills!
There are 42 flash cards in this set (7 pages to print.)
To use:
1. Print out the cards.
2. Cut along the dashed lines.
3. Fold along the solid lines.
Sample flash cards in this set:
Questions | Answers |
Class (2nd on a train) | Klasse (zweiter klasse) |
Coach | Reisebus |
Compartment | Abteil |
Compartment | Anschluss |
Connection | Verbindung |
Crossing | Uberfahrt |
Cycle Path | Farradweg |
Delay | Verspatung |
Departure | Abfahrt |
Departure (of plane) | Abflug |
Diesel | Diesel |
Dining Car, restaurant car (train) | Speisewagen |
Direct | Direkt |
Diversion (road), Detour | Umleitung |
Door | Tur |
Driver | Fahrer |
Driving Licence | Fuhrerschein |
Engine | Motor |
Entrance (vehicles) | Einfahrt |
Exhaust fumes/ emissions | Abgase |
Exit (for vehicles) | Ausfahrt |
Fare | Fahrpreis |
Ferry | Fahre |
Harmful | Schadlich |
Have a good journey | Gute Reise |
Journey | Reise |
Journey, trip | Fahrt |
Kilometre | Kilometre |
Left Luggage | Gepackaufbewahrung |
Left luggage locker | Schliessfach |
Line/route | Linie |
Lorry | Lastwagen |
Main Railway Station | Hauptbahnhof |
Moped | Mofa |
Motorbike | Motorrad |
Motorway | Autohahn |
Occupied, taken (seat) | Besetzt |
on Foot | zu Fuss |
One way street | Einbahnstrasse |
Passenger | Passagier |
Petrol | Benzin |
Petrol Station | Tankstelle |